IBUKI: Ontologies and Taxonomies

IBUKI: Ontologies and Taxonomies

IBUKI Text Analytics - Use Cases

The IBUKI TextAnalysis Web Services use the IBUKI SemanticDB and its TextAnalysis Engine facilitate the development of applications involving contextual advertizing at the product level (e.g., mapping recipes to cookbooks, text analysis engine to facilitabte the development of applications involving contextual advertizing at the product level (e.g., mapping recipes to cookbooks, ingredients and cooking tools); catagorization (mapping video clip text descriptions to video catagories and products, user fixed and behavior profiles to user interests - like job descriptions); query enhancement (sports, celebrity search ...); e-discovery (recognizing mergers and aquisition or hostile workplace emails); content filtering ccorporate compliance - inappropriate language or spam); ...

Mapping Text To Products

Advertizing at the Product Level

What is text analysis? Imagine you have a 2000 recipes on your web site and tou want to determine what cookbooks you should advertize on each recipe page. Questions you might ask are: what is its main dish; is it an ethnic recipe; what are the main ingredients; what preparation techniques are used; and what cooking tools are needed? The IBUKI TextAnalysis Web Services are able to answer these types of questions for creating better user experience on a website. mapping recipes to cookbooks, ingredients and cooking tools);

IBUKI Associate-Helper is a web service that will take the URL of a web page and return a set of associates program ads that are revelant to the content of the page. It is a form of contextual advertizing that looks at a text and determines what individual products are most related to the meaning of the text. This service will improve and automate the quality of the associate ads shown on your pages and increase rhe conversion rate of your associate ads.

  • automates the process of choosing associates program ads
  • finds products based on the meaning of the page - not simply keywords

This service currently is targeted to sites with users interested in

  • recipes

We currently target products from the associates programs from Amazon.com, AllPosters.com and ...


catagorization (mapping video clip text descriptions to video catagories and products, user fixed and behavior profiles to user interests - like job descriptions);

Query Enhancenment

(sports, celebrity search ...);

Improve Web Site Search Experience

IBUKI's ontology and taxonomy products can be used to improve the quality of search independent of what search technology tou are currently using.


(recognizing mergers and aquisition or hostile workplace emails);

Content Filtering

ccorporate compliance - inappropriate language or spam); ...

Web Services